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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Santiphap Park, Bangkok

Santiphap mean Peace, this Bangkok park outstanding by set to be forest garden in the city center that make green and added by spring with sculpture in same swamp, the sculpture is pigeon carried the 5 olives. And Santiphap Park is order to have only less construction in the park and make atmosphere to calm down from outside and cut the disturb by tree around and can reduce the polution. Just walk pass the gate you will touch the different...and the name Santiphap Park board was duplicate signature style from Buddhadasa; the monk that Thai very respect.
Santiphap Park, BangkokSantiphap Park Location :
Near Victory Monument, between Rachavithee road and Rangnam road, Bangkok
Area : 20.80 Rais
Working Hours : 5.00 Am - 21.00 Pm daily
How to get there
Bus : 12 14 17 24 36 38 61 63 69 74 77 92 204
Aircondition Bus : 14 140
Service Record : Weekday about 2,000-3,000, weekend about 3,000-4,000

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